1980 Diploma
Northbrook Senior High School, Houston, Texas
1985 Bachelor Degree, Psychology
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
2001 Texas Teacher Ceritification-History
University of Houston, Houston, Texas
2017 Masters Degree, Psychology
American Public University.
Professional Training
US Criminal Investigator (GS-1811) 1987
US Customs Special Agent (GS-1811) 1988
US Customs Basic Aviation Training (Airborne SWAT/Combat aviation)1988
Dozens of other TCLEOSE courses and certifications
See great videos & links below that describe the type of work I have done in the past.

Impressive Professional Highlights, Law Enforcement and Education
Intelligence, Investigation and Protection Resources
Private Investigation firm, Owner and Founder, 2006 to 2009
Harris County Constable Pct. 6 Dept. September 1994 to 2007
Reserve Deputy Constable
City patrol, service of constituents, service of civil process, execution of warrants, acceptance and investigation of criminal complaints, undercover surveillance operations, and administration.
Front desk operations including answering calls and walk in concerns.
Developed statistical analysis of front desk operations and developed instruction and policy for same.
Responsible for the retrofit and management of the departmental case file system.
Design, proposal and implementation for communications center.
Criminal intelligence reports regarding sex offenders in the precinct.
Maintained a felony caseload with good success.
Commendations for successful investigation, and professionalism.
Royal I. S. D. Middle School Aug. 2001 to May 2002
Seventh grade science teacher
At administration request, took charge of low performing students and brought them to level
Developed multiple lesson plans for special education students, and mathmatics remediation.
Maintained statistical analysis of student performance, and examination effectiveness
Also served as UIL coordinator & member of science textbook committee
Raul Yzaguirre School for Success Aug 1998 to May 2001
Senior Academy teacher
Taught high school sciences, history, government & computer skills to L.E.P. students with high success rate.
Developed multiple lesson plans and maintained statistical analysis of student performance, and examination effectiveness
Teacher of the year 2000 and mentor to two other teachers
Shirley Baker Career Institute Jan 2000 to April 2001
Certified post secondary instructor
•Taught computer software for business including Windows 98, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Developed lesson plans and examinations, and maintained performance records.
Success Institute of Business Jan 1998 to Aug l 1998
Taught communications, typing, business etiquette, English and computer software for business
Developed multiple lesson plans and maintained statistical analysis of student performance
Developed and maintained routine lesson plans for multiple subjects
Served as a motivating inspiration for my students, low income women.
University of Houston Downtown, Criminal Justice Center. January 1995 to November 1995
Adjunct Professor. Instructor of Police Cadets.
Top rate qualifications, experience and education are required for this position.
I was honored as the first "Rookie" instructor ever to address a graduating class.
Taught basic accident investigation, field notes, report writing, DWI cases
Houston ISD Police Dept. Police Officer April 1991 to September 1994
Completed several investigations with 100% conviction rate
Architect of the department’s reorganized operations under his Decentralized Feeder Pattern Command structure for HISD Police (later adapted for the entire school district's administration).
Conducted the district’s first street gang intelligence report.
Identified, arrested and convicted hierarchy of the nefarious Southwest Cholos street gang.
Lived and worked undercover serving as an anti-narcotics smuggling operative.
High-level security clearance for technology; sensitive information, and issued Official Passport.
Best federal training available in UC ops, intelligence and tactical operations.
Awarded Law enforcement Aviation wings,
(Another video illustrating the type of work I did in the late 1980's with the same aircraft)
Qualified with combat revolver, pistol, shotgun, carbine, machine gun, and grenade launcher.
Specially trained by military & NASA for covert airborne (high performance aircraft) anti-narcotics smuggling operations with Coast Guard, NSA, DEA and CIA.
Special assignments: US Customs Office of Enforcement-Houston; DEA Beaumont-East Texas task force; Witness protection detail-US Marshals-Houston; and numerous support missions for US Secret Service; ATF; D.P.S. Narcotics, Organized Crime Task Force & local law enforcement.
Task force assignments included: Operation Alliance; Operations Blue Lightning, Blue Fire and Exodus.
Technical equipment utilized included TECs & TECSII (forerunner of Windows based NCIC & CAD); FM, VHF, UHF aviation radios; Encrypted AM radio, Encrypted STU2 & 3 telephones, SATSCRAM III communications. Also trained to fly complex fixed wing aircraft, operate (F-16) combat radar, TI and Hughes FLIR systems; Nightsun spotlight; ANVIS 5 night vision goggles.
University of Houston Downtown, Criminal Justice Center. January 1995 to Nov. 1995
Adjunct Professor. Instructor of Police Cadets.
Top rate qualifications, experience and education are required for this position.
Honored as the first "Rookie" instructor ever to address a graduating class.
Taught field notes, accident reports, suspect interviews and other topics
Popp & Associates Private Investigators: December 89 to April 1991
Private Investigator
Undercover insurance fraud investigations, and surveillance operations across the southern USA.
Excellent surveillance skills, bilingual ability and extrodinary resourcefulness led to success.
Recognized for excellent investigations on three occasions
Served as field trainer for other investigators.
City of Rockdale,Texas Police Department February 1986 to April 1987
Senior Police Officer
Served as acting supervisor on night shift.
Conducted city patrol, including traffic, anti burglary patrol, execution of warrants and special assignments.
Conducted crime scene investigations and evidence collection such as photography, lifting latent prints, and collection of other specimens for analysis.
Accepted criminal complaints and conducted investigations of all types.
Commendations for: life saving; good conduct and twice for excellence in investigations.
Jim Hogg Co., Texas Sheriff Department August 1985 to January 1986
Reserve Deputy Sheriff.
Conducted city and highway patrol near the Mexican border.
Involved in narcotics and illegal alien interdiction.
Involved in seizure of very large quantities of narcotics, cash, weapons, and vehicles.
Assisted the U. S. Border Patrol with narcotics arrests and seizures.
Assigned to Secret Service detail for then Vice President George H.W. Bush.
Austin Private Security Specialists, Inc. January 1984 to August 1985
Assistant Manager/ Security officer Lieutenant:
Screened, hired, trained and scheduled security officers for work.
Worked and directed security details for a variety of clients.
Directed security for major public events in Austin, Texas.
Three commendations: Injured in combat; Heroism during arrest of armed murder suspect and for Conspicuous Gallantry in rescue of partner during a bar fight.

Retired Police Detective, Entrepreneur,
Political Analyst, and Author