From 1990 to 1992, Lauro worked as a private investigator mostly with insurance fraud cases that required his investigatives skillls, undercover talents and honed his self initiative and good investigative judgement to a fine edge! As a result, Lauro has fine photographic, surveillance, undercover and interview skills.
In 1992 Lauro returned to being a Texas peace officer, first with the, then, very troubled Houston ISD Police Dept. where Lauro utilized his criminal intelligence training and excellent investigative methods to combat nifarious criminal stret gangs and later developed the "Decentralized Feeder Pattern Based Command Structure for HISD Police" which is now the model forschool district law enforcement. across the nation.
In 1994, Lauro joined Constable Victor Trevino as a reserve Deputy Constable with Harris County Constable Pct. 6 Dept. serving in nearly every duty or detail the varied department has had. Lauro eventually earned the coveted title of Texas Master Peace officer. Lauro is also a Texas Peace officer Instructor and served as an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice teaching police cadets at the excellent University of Houston Downtown Criminal Justice Center.
Lauro always dreamed of being a Federal Agent. He was successful, passing the Treasury Enforcement Agent's Examination, the most difficult civil service exam in the USA, with a high score and accepted the exclusive position of US Customs Service Air Interdiction Officer in Houston. There he worked undercover and with the DEA, the Coast Guard, state and local law enforcement often on classified missions involving the military to detect, track and apprehend drug smugglers by utilizing advanced and sophisticated radar and infra-red detection systems aboard advanced high performance government aircraft. This work, by far the most dangerous in law enforcement, also required Lauro to pass all Special Agent schools and also flight school, navigation, sensor operator school and airborne special weapons & tactics school. Two years on the front lines of the drug war was enough and his Texas roots called him back home.
It could be said that Lauro Garza, also known as "Larry Garza" is a talented guy. It would be more precise to say Lauro is an educated guy since he studied, psychology, criminal justice, history, education and most sciences almost continuously from 1980 until 2001. He; however, does have talent. For example, he is a published writer of critical essays and one of his essays regarding Texas history was published opposite the famous Texas historian T. R. Fahrenbach. Lauro is also a gifted voice talent and is also a very imaginative and innovative thinker. Lauro was once described as "The Idea Man" and it is no wonder his consultation services have been sought by private and government administrations from small cities to the seat of the US government. Lauro’s intellect and clear reasoning have afforded him the rare privilage of being correct when the experts were wrong.
Born in San Antonio, Texas in 1961, Lauro was educated in Houston but grew up on his father's small ranch in south Texas, "The Vaquero Capital of Texas," where ranching was a way of life for all his folks. Lauro, like everyone in his family was bright and a good student. He was inducted into "Who's Who Among American High School Students" not once, but twice! Only the 5% of American students are so recognized.
Lauro went on to the University of Texas at Austin and earned his degree in psychology intent on a career in federal law enforcement. Two years in Texas small town law enforcement required him to take every case from the street, through evidence collection, case developement and prosecution. Lauro earned several commendations throughout his early career for life saving, gallantry and excellence. But he wanted more.

Lauro has earned many accolades during his varied and interesting career including commendations for bravery, excellent investigations and professionalism. Lauro later founded a private investigation firm and served as a political analyst until health issues forced his retirement.
Lauro, like his father, has always had a passion for history. He discovered early that not much was known about his own heritage beyond his great grandparents and he was confident there was a story there. After earning his degree and between one or two jobs and trying to raise a family, he investigated his heritage. Eventually, he was successful and linked his family with the famous De la Garza Falcón family of northern México. That family has been studied by academics extensively for their prominence in the leadership of northern México but also because of their many contributions to history of Texas. Lauro has also published websites concerning his Garcia, Almaraz, and Juan Garza heritage. More recently, Mr. Garza contributed to the seminal history documentary television series featured on PBS entitled, "Children of the Revolucion" concerning the influx of Mexican into America during and after the Mexican Revolutionary war of the early 20th century and how that greatly affected America and Latinos in America as well.
During that same time, Mr. Garza began work on a new career with graduate studies in psychology resulting in a Masters degree with which he seeks a new career. Also, Mr. Garza, having been born with the extremely rare neurological disorder, Moebius Syndrome, which is facial paralysis, he has become an activist in support of those affected with this crippling disorder by hosting the Houston International Moebius Syndrome Awareness Day in cooperation with the Many Faces of Moebius Syndrome.
Being Catholic and a family man it was a natural move to join the Knights of Columbus and Lauro has been such for over 25 years in Katy, Texas. Lauro is very grateful to be blessed with a beautiful, caring and courageous wife and two beautiful and brilliant teenage daughters.
Retired Police Detective, Entrepreneur,
Political Analyst, and Author